At 52, I Finally Saw Myself
You never thought you'd be here at 52, staring at photos of yourself and actually feeling beautiful. Not the kind of beautiful that comes from trying to look 30 again, but the kind that wells up from finally, truly seeing yourself.
Let's be honest - life hasn't exactly been gentle with you. Twenty-five years of marriage ended with a text message and lipstick on his collar that wasn't yours. Your oldest son stopped speaking to you for three years after the divorce - blamed you for "destroying our family." You lost your mom to cancer right when you needed her wisdom the most. And somewhere along the way, you misplaced yourself.
You know that feeling when you look in the mirror and barely recognize the woman staring back? That was you, going through the motions, being everyone's everything - the doting grandma who bakes cookies with a smile while your heart is splitting in two, the strong mom who holds it together during the day and cries in your car in grocery store parking lots.
Then came the day your daughter dragged you to this boudoir photography session. "Mom, it's your birthday present, just shut up and do it," she said. You nearly backed out three times. What business did a woman your age have, posing in pretty lingerie with your stretch marks and cesarean scar?
But here's the thing about being photographed when you're broken - the camera doesn't just capture your body, it somehow finds those pieces of your soul you thought were long gone. With every click of the shutter, you remembered bits of yourself. That sassy woman who used to dance in your kitchen. The fierce mama bear who worked two jobs to put your kids through college. The survivor who rebuilt her life from scratch at 52.
We didn’t just take pictures - we showed you what strength looks like. It's in the soft curve of shoulders that have carried so much. It's in smile lines earned through real joy and deep pain. It's in eyes that have cried oceans but still sparkle with hope.
You keep one of those photos on your nightstand now. Not the ones in fancy lingerie (though those are tucked safely away in a beautiful album). It's a simple shot of you laughing, truly laughing, head thrown back, completely unselfconscious. Sometimes when you look at it, you can hardly believe that radiant woman is you. But she is. She always was.
See, you thought your time for feeling beautiful had passed, that your scars and struggles had dimmed your light. But honey, you've got it all wrong. Those battle scars? They're your constellations, mapping out the story of a woman who couldn't be broken. That softness you try to hide? It's evidence of a heart that still knows how to love after everything.
No one's going to tell you it's easy. Some days you still catch yourself apologizing for taking up space. But then you remember that woman in the photographs, and you stand a little taller. Because at 52, you finally understand that true beauty isn't about being unbreakable. It's about being broken and putting yourself back together, as many times as it takes.
And those photographs? They're not just pretty pictures. They're proof that even after life burns you down to ashes, you can rise up more magnificent than before. Not despite your scars and stories, but because of them.
To The Woman Who Hasn't Felt Sexy Since Having Kids...
You caught your reflection in the mirror this morning - hair in a messy bun, yesterday's mascara slightly smudged, that oversized t-shirt you love but probably should've retired last year. The kids were already screaming about breakfast, your phone was buzzing with work emails, and somewhere in the background, the dog needed to be let out.
Remember when you used to spend hours getting ready? When you'd take your time picking out the perfect outfit, when you'd actually sit down to do your makeup instead of applying it at red lights? These days, you're lucky if you get five uninterrupted minutes in the bathroom.
But sometimes, when you're alone, you look at old photos of yourself. Not just the ones on your Instagram - the ones where you felt truly beautiful, sexy, confident. The ones where you weren't someone's mom, someone's wife, someone's employee. You were just... you.
I see you.
I see the way you unconsciously suck in your stomach when you walk past windows. The way you've mastered the art of being the photographer instead of being in photos. The way you've gotten so good at being everything to everyone else that you've forgotten how to be something for yourself.
But what if, for just one day, you stepped back into yourself? What if you let someone else hold the camera, guide you through every pose, and show you exactly how beautiful you are right now - not 10 pounds from now, not "after the kids are older," but right here, exactly as you are?
That's what boudoir is really about. It's not just sexy photos (though trust me, they're going to take your breath away). It's about reclaiming the woman who got lost somewhere between the morning school runs and midnight baby feeds. She's still there, babe. And I can't wait to show her to you.
Finding Your Why: The Deep-Ass Reason Behind Your Boudoir Shoot
Hey, boo! You've been toying with the idea of booking that boudoir shoot, haven't you? Tiptoeing around it like it's some wild, untamed beast. I get it. Stripping down to your skivvies to let a near-stranger capture your essence can sound like a fever dream cooked up after one too many margaritas. But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about getting sultry snaps for the 'gram or your boo. Nah, this is about something way deeper, way more badass. Let’s dive into the *real* reason you’re contemplating baring it all (and no, it’s not just for the killer profile pic).
Embrace Your Wild
First off, honey, this is about seeing yourself as the fierce, unapologetic goddess that you are. It’s easy to forget our power when we’re schlepping around in day-old yoga pants, crumbs in our hair (don’t lie, we’ve all been there). A boudoir shoot? It’s like a love letter to yourself, a reminder that beneath the daily grind, there's a wild woman ready to climb out, hair blazing, eyes sparkling with that “try me” vibe.
Smash Those Norms
Let’s chat about societal norms for a sec. You know, those pesky expectations that try to tell us how to look, act, and feel? Yeah, fuck those. Your boudoir shoot is your rebel yell in the face of all that noise. It’s your chance to say, “This is me, rolls, curves, scars, and all – and I’m utterly enamoring.” It ain't about fitting into some cookie-cutter mold. It's about shattering the damn mold with your radiant self and making your own rules.
Discover Your Why
Now, for the heart of the matter – your **why**. This isn’t about vanity or seduction (though, let’s be real, you’re gonna look smoking hot). This is about discovery, babe. About hunting down the raw, unfiltered essence of *you* and flaunting it, not because you want approval, but because you’re done hiding. You’re here, you’re spectacular, and it’s time the world knows it.
Laugh in the Face of Fear
I won’t sugarcoat it – the thought of a boudoir shoot can be scary as hell. But honey, since when did we let fear dictate our lives? Step into that studio with your head high and stretch marks flaunted like the badges of honor they are. Because on the other side of fear is freedom – the freedom to see yourself as the masterpiece you truly are, painted with experiences, stories, and resilience.
So, What Are You Waiting For?
A boudoir shoot isn’t just a photo session; it’s a revolution wrapped up in lace and bathed in soft light. It’s a declaration of self-love, a step towards acceptance, and above all, a journey to finding your why. And trust me, once you uncover that? Everything changes. You start living louder, loving harder, and embracing every inch of your journey with a ferocity that's downright contagious.
So, babe, when you’re ready to unleash that inner badass, book that shoot. Do it for the *you* that’s been waiting to step into the spotlight. Because, let’s be honest, she’s been patient long enough. Let's show her some love.
And remember, in the grand tapestry of life, each of us is a work of art. So why not celebrate that with some badass boudoir magic? Let’s start this revolution of self-acceptance – one sultry snap at a time.
Why not to book a boudoir shoot
Hey, lovely souls of Springfield, Missouri!
As someone who’s been a guiding light in our beautiful, complex world of boudoir photography, I've met countless incredible women, each with her unique story. And today, I want to share something a little different – a heart-to-heart on why a boudoir shoot might not feel right for you right now. And that's perfectly okay.
Lack of Confidence
It’s no secret that stepping in front of a camera, especially for something as intimate as a boudoir shoot, can feel like standing at the edge of a cliff. Vulnerable. Exposed. "Am I enough?" is a question I've seen in the eyes of many beautiful souls. A dear client, let's call her Jane, once told me through tears, "I don't see myself the way you see me." Her words hit deep because I've been there, too. We worked through those fears, but it’s crucial to know that feeling confident is a journey, and sometimes the timing just isn’t right. Lady, listen to your heart, honor where you are, and seek paths that gently elevate your spirit and self-love.
Misaligned Expectations
Oh, the tricky world of expectations! We’ve all been there, scrolling through picture-perfect snaps, imagining ourselves in those frames. But sometimes what we envision doesn’t align with reality. It's not about not being "photogenic" or "ideal" enough; it's about understanding the art of boudoir photography: it’s raw, it’s real, and it's a celebration of you, just as you are. We wear our stories on our bodies, and every mark, every line is a chapter worth celebrating. When you walk into my studio, I want you to know that this experience is about seeing the beauty in your realness. Let’s set intentions together – it's not about changing your story; it's about proudly owning it.
Privacy Concerns
In this digital age, privacy is golden, isn't it? The thought of intimate photographs floating around can be downright terrifying. But here's the deal – your comfort, your trust, and your boundaries are the cornerstone of everything we do. It's about creating a safe space where you can unfold without fear. I remember a client, so scared her images would be seen by eyes not meant to see them. Together, we navigated those fears, setting strict privacy controls and ensuring her journey remained hers alone. It’s a promise I make to every woman who walks through my door: this space, this experience, is a sanctuary.
In Conclusion
Choosing to do a boudoir shoot is a deeply personal decision, and it's okay if now is not the right time. It’s okay if the idea doesn’t resonate with you. This journey of self-discovery, self-love, and empowerment is uniquely yours, and there are countless ways to embark on it. If and when you feel called to explore your story through boudoir photography, know that I’m here – not just as a photographer but as a fellow woman who believes in the transformative power of embracing ourselves in our purest form.
For those who see themselves in these words and feel the stirring of curiosity or the whisper of 'maybe someday,' my door is always open, and my heart is always ready to listen. Reach out, ask your questions, share your fears, and let’s talk about what empowerment looks like for you.
With all my love,
Elisa Mitchell
Empowering Women Through Boudoir Photography in Springfield, Missouri