To The Woman Who Hasn't Felt Sexy Since Having Kids...

You caught your reflection in the mirror this morning - hair in a messy bun, yesterday's mascara slightly smudged, that oversized t-shirt you love but probably should've retired last year. The kids were already screaming about breakfast, your phone was buzzing with work emails, and somewhere in the background, the dog needed to be let out.

Remember when you used to spend hours getting ready? When you'd take your time picking out the perfect outfit, when you'd actually sit down to do your makeup instead of applying it at red lights? These days, you're lucky if you get five uninterrupted minutes in the bathroom.

But sometimes, when you're alone, you look at old photos of yourself. Not just the ones on your Instagram - the ones where you felt truly beautiful, sexy, confident. The ones where you weren't someone's mom, someone's wife, someone's employee. You were just... you.

I see you.

I see the way you unconsciously suck in your stomach when you walk past windows. The way you've mastered the art of being the photographer instead of being in photos. The way you've gotten so good at being everything to everyone else that you've forgotten how to be something for yourself.

But what if, for just one day, you stepped back into yourself? What if you let someone else hold the camera, guide you through every pose, and show you exactly how beautiful you are right now - not 10 pounds from now, not "after the kids are older," but right here, exactly as you are?

That's what boudoir is really about. It's not just sexy photos (though trust me, they're going to take your breath away). It's about reclaiming the woman who got lost somewhere between the morning school runs and midnight baby feeds. She's still there, babe. And I can't wait to show her to you.


At 52, I Finally Saw Myself


Finding Your Why: The Deep-Ass Reason Behind Your Boudoir Shoot